Game Review: Iron Man VR on Quest 2

Iron Man Vr

Iron Man is now one of the most popular superheroes of the contemporary period. Several films have gained popularity, from 2008’s Iron Man to 2019’s Avengers: Endgame. Downey Jr. and Feige established the hero as a critical and commercial success. Two years after its PSVR debut, Iron Man VR is now available on Quest 2. This game can achieve its full potential without hardware limitations. Keep reading for our full Iron Man VR Quest 2 review.

Game Review: Iron Man VR on Quest 2

Iron Man VR was the first post-MCU attempt to offer the hero his solo video game outing after Endgame. Its release on the first PSVR headset was challenging, nevertheless. Although a terrific game, PSVR and PlayStation 4’s major hardware restrictions prevented it from reaching its full potential.

You can feel like Iron Man while playing, and the gameplay was a major highlight. The range of weapons, the action, and the flight are all wonderful. And everything is expertly matched with an innovative plot that feels comfortable and pleasantly different.

The Quest 2 version of Iron Man VR has all the same great features as the PSVR version. The heart of the game is still thrilling, regardless of the platform.

But in this newest Quest 2 installment, Iron Man is free from antiquated technology’s constraints. Iron Man VR was first revealed at Connect 2022 and is now accessible on the most well-liked and mainstream VR headset. The game is entirely unrestricted in both the physical and figurative senses.

Does Quest 2 enhance the VR experience for Iron Man?

With some modifications for the new standalone structure, the whole campaign and additional material are still present. To begin with, the lengthy load times from PSVR are not an issue here. On Quest 2, loading is quick and seamless. You won’t ever have to wait more than a few seconds to start playing.

You are also totally wire-free, enabling unhindered 360-degree movement while playing. Even if this wasn’t the biggest problem with PSVR, it’s still a significant improvement and one less worry. Being able to rapidly turn without worrying about it dramatically improves immersion.

In contrast to the initial PSVR release, this one feels considerably more polished and finalized. However, the gameplay has always been excellent, and the entire package functions as planned.

Live action and visuals of Iron Man VR

Despite some general upgrades, the Quest 2 port is strong and performs superbly. The Quest 2 occasionally struggles to meet the demand during hectic combat situations, but those times are infrequent and brief.

Overall, the aesthetics are quite good, with a few notable scenes scattered throughout the campaign. Quest 2’s higher screen resolution improves environments and overall clarity. One can still see some jagged edges when looking far into the horizon. The game’s stylized nature helps to cover the big fly-over scenes’ occasionally simple and blocky appearance. It’s not the Quest 2 game with the most visually stunning graphics, but it’s also not the worst.

How does it feel to be Iron Man in a virtual environment? 

The question is where this game shines in VR, unlike any other I’ve played. When wearing the Iron Man outfit, you need to hold down the trigger buttons on the Meta Quest 2 controllers. The smallest movements of your hands dictate how you fly as your hand rockets lift you into the air. Aiming to advance quickly? Palms facing out, arms behind you. Do you have to make a right or left dodge? Your arms will follow your movements in that direction. I had trouble mastering this in the prologue and the first few chapters because it seemed almost too obvious. I had been overthinking how I should position my hands. 

The game’s weapon firing system is very simple to grasp. You can fire energy blasts from your palms by holding the controller and pressing the attack button. When you want to use specialized rockets, you hold your arm out in front of you with your palm facing down. 

You can take part in several flight tests worldwide in addition to the game’s ten main missions. Depending on how well you perform each mission and the flying tests, you gain “research points.” You can spend it to enhance your suit and add new weapon options to your loadout. You can speed up, use scattershot missiles instead of homing missiles, and more.

Although Camouflaj uses fixed foveated rendering, you won’t often see it blurring the boundaries of the field of view. The occasional graphic fault in a cutscene is also there, although it’s easily overlooked and doesn’t ruin the experience. The smooth locomotion still fades in and out whenever you reach a waypoint, giving the impression that you’ve teleported.

The Verdict

The definitive version of this action-adventure superhero game from Camouflaj is Iron Man VR on Quest 2. The PSVR release combined exhilarating gameplay with a terrific unique story. This game employs interactivity to capture the essence of the character. Using virtual reality, Camouflaj has created an experience that is true to its roots and substantially more immersive.

Quest 2 gives you greater access to Tony Stark’s heart than ever before. Compared to other VR games I’ve experienced, which tend to be much more simple and offer little to do save go through the story, Iron Man VR offers a lot more personalization.


1.“Marvel’s Iron Man VR | Review | 6DOF Reviews.” 6DOF Reviews, 3 Nov. 2022,

Burke, Ron. “Iron Man VR on Meta Quest 2 Review — the Suit and I Are One.” GAMING TREND, 4 Nov. 2022,

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